Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SEND Lead |
Mrs Louise Burley |
SEND Administrator | Mrs Natasha Bramley | nbramley@allenbournmiddle.org |
Welcome to the SEND section of the website
Allenbourn Middle School prides itself on its ability to offer and successfully deliver a full curriculum that is inclusive of all children, irrespective of need. The SEND department works to identify and celebrate individuals, ensure outreach support and specialist intervention is in place and support all staff members in providing equal opportunity to children with a wide range of academic, physical and mental health needs. As a result the school is suitably equipped to deal with a wide range of individual needs. The school and the governing body regularly review its provision for children with special needs and ensure that its staff are well prepared and trained.
At Allenbourn children are provided with the right supports that are tailored to suit their needs, age and individual learning styles. For more detailed information about how we support children with SEND please refer to the SEN Information Report using the menu on the right of this page. Further to this you will also find information in this menu about how the Local Authority supports children with SEND. To explore the local provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities please follow the link to the Dorset Council Local Offer.
The school maintains very close working relationships with children, staff, parents and other agencies and consider our partnership with parents to be of the utmost importance. We encourage parents to discuss progress regularly with teachers by attending all parents evenings. If you would like to discuss any issue regarding your child and Special Educational Needs and Disability, please in the first instance make an appointment to speak with your child’s tutor or in the case that the concern lies within a particular subject, the subject teacher. Both will be happy to provide both information and support.
Dorset Youth
An excellent website with links to organisations who are able to help and support young people.
Click here for more information.