Science education is important for providing the foundations for pupils to begin to understand the world around them. At Allenbourn we provide lessons that cover the National Curriculum content at both KS2 and KS3. As they move through the curriculum, pupils will be increasingly made to develop their curiosity and appreciate the value of science in their everyday lives. We aim to create a passion for science that may lead to further study options or careers in the field. Numerical and literacy skills will also be used in lessons, to help embed these important skills across the school curriculum. Pupils will also be encouraged to collaborate effectively through group work, class discussions and scientific investigations. Pupils will learn how to work scientifically through a range of investigations directly linked to the topics covered, which will provide opportunities to make predictions, explain observations and present findings.
At key stage 2, pupils will experience two science lessons per week.
At key stage 3, pupils have three science lessons per week, all taught in one of the two science laboratories.