Home School Agreement
Our school is committed to the vision of building aspiration for all. We believe that pupils perform better when the home and school work together in partnership.
The school will:
- Support pupils to achieve their full potential
- Provide a balanced, interesting and appropriate curriculum
- Look after the well-being of the pupil when at school
- Set challenging targets for our pupils to achieve
- Keep parents informed of their child's progress by meetings, reports and letters
- Keep parents involved with the life of the school through the Parents’ Handbook, newsletters,
ParentMail and the website - Ensure that the building is warm, welcoming, clean and safe
- Give special help to pupils as needed
- Be welcoming and listen and respond to any concerns
- Promote a healthy lifestyle
- Prepare the pupils for their future
- Value and respect pupils as individuals
- Have a clear behaviour policy, which all staff actively promote
- Reward pupils for positive behaviour and their contribution to the school community
We ask that parents and carers:
- Ensure that their child arrives at school on time
- Ensure that their child attends regularly, equipped for the day's work
- Support the school’s behaviour policy for promoting good behaviour and addressing unacceptable behaviour.
- Support our anti-bullying policy
- Support our uniform policy
- Attend meetings that involve their child
- Keep in regular contact with the school, attend parent consultations and provide feedback when this is sought.
- Avoid taking holidays during term time
We require pupils to:
- Attend school and be on time
- Follow our school rules
- Come to school with the correct equipment and uniform
- Make every effort to produce classwork and homework to the very best of their ability
- Be caring and considerate of others
- Have respect and care for the school environment
- Treat others as they would wish to be treated
- Make a positive contribution in all aspects of their school life